Long ago, a group of young people from all over the country converged on a small mountain town in an unexpected place to make a circus. It was filled with a lot of absurdity, drama, fun and creative inspiration (on AND off the stage) that sent ripples across time and space. Epic things can be born when people believe that music, art, community and dreams can save the world from imminent calamity & boredom.
Since the world seems to constantly be spiraling out of control with environmental, economic, & social crisis, this group of friends decided to call it a healing circus. It will toured the land bringing smiles and new ways of seeing, new ways of being sharing love across the land with clowns, puppets & a psychedelic band! Its a story I’m sure you have heard. An ancient tale, dare forget not a word…
The seeds planted by this circus have spread far and wide and continue to grow while inspiring a new generation to add color to the dreams of those who came before them…